woooowooo check out that watermelon! i swear i don't really feel THAT big...
good news though, we have been talking about names and i think we are making progress. matt really dislikes 'lily'--sigh--but now that i know why i am more ok with it. he feels that it is too soft, kinda weak, and way too feminine and lacking spunk; he wants her to have a "powerful" name, which i can understand though i'm not completely sure what his definition of that is. to me soft can be strong too, but he's a boy so maybe he is confusing strong with powerful. he's also a big fan of androgynous names, which i am open to, but not totally excited about. he liked river. we both liked ivy (his suggestion). so we are inching closer... i feel better knowing that he's thinking about it and wants to participate actively instead of just tossing around veto power. haha.
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