i've spent the morning partially cleaning out the future nursery and in the process have some brilliant (i think) ideas for decor.
first, my mom said she'd buy us the crib/furniture, so that rocks. now i can focus on the rest of the room!
so ideas... two words: BRIAN FROUD. that ought to set the scene for you a bit. gender-neutral, foresty, a little bit dark, totally faery. i'm thinking a yellowish green base coat on the walls, then i want to create a kraft-paper tree in the corner attached to the walls and going up onto the ceiling with pretty paper leaves hanging down. then i want to paint some goblins and faeries in various places, maybe make some "mushroom" shelving for toys/trinkets, and i have lots of froud faery prints in frames that i will also hang about. i also have a bunch of willow branches and twigs and things to tie it all together.
my goal is not to have this be girly... froud faeries are as much creepy and male as they are feminine. but i think surrounding the baby with good faery influence is a great idea. i will have to be picky about who i paint up there!
so... i know enough people who are fantastic artists (karen, jorelle, lauren, my mom, others?)... anybody wanna paint some faeries in a few months? i've got all the books we need for our models, and a projector to boot. i'm even thinking maybe we can use pastels or graphite or something and then just clear coat it... not sure how durable that would be, but it's a thought.
i'm so excited! hello nesting instinct! lol.

first, my mom said she'd buy us the crib/furniture, so that rocks. now i can focus on the rest of the room!
so ideas... two words: BRIAN FROUD. that ought to set the scene for you a bit. gender-neutral, foresty, a little bit dark, totally faery. i'm thinking a yellowish green base coat on the walls, then i want to create a kraft-paper tree in the corner attached to the walls and going up onto the ceiling with pretty paper leaves hanging down. then i want to paint some goblins and faeries in various places, maybe make some "mushroom" shelving for toys/trinkets, and i have lots of froud faery prints in frames that i will also hang about. i also have a bunch of willow branches and twigs and things to tie it all together.
my goal is not to have this be girly... froud faeries are as much creepy and male as they are feminine. but i think surrounding the baby with good faery influence is a great idea. i will have to be picky about who i paint up there!
so... i know enough people who are fantastic artists (karen, jorelle, lauren, my mom, others?)... anybody wanna paint some faeries in a few months? i've got all the books we need for our models, and a projector to boot. i'm even thinking maybe we can use pastels or graphite or something and then just clear coat it... not sure how durable that would be, but it's a thought.
i'm so excited! hello nesting instinct! lol.

October 21, 2008 at 12:22 PM
I would love to help! After Halloween craziness is over, let me know what weekend you want me to come help and I'll be a worker bee for you. I can sand drywall! I can paint!