(i'm a little distracted by music so if this post is less-than-polished i apologize)
my period resumed in october, and since then i've decided that it's time to "take charge" of my fertility, as the book says. it's fascinating! something so OBVIOUS that we typically pay zero attention to and treat as such a mystery... it makes no sense. girls should be initiated into how to chart the day they get their first period, and yet we take no responsibility for even understanding how our bodies work. it's like we collectively just say "oh, that weird thing, when is it coming? whatever i'll just stick a tampon up there real quick and ignore it until next time." but i have to say that for myself, actually seeing my body changes written out on paper/computer make a huge difference in understanding. all the things i previously noticed nonchalantly now make sense and point to significance.
for example, where i might previously have said, 'yeah, i'm probably ovulating; it's the right time and maybe i had a cramp or two...' i now KNOW i am because my temperature spiked, i have different discharge, and my cervix has changed. these three little things mean everything and are so easy to keep track of. the only commitment is taking my temp before i get out of bed, which is about as difficult as swallowing a pill, honestly. stupidly easy.
the only drawback, if it can be called one, is that i can no longer say "oops" in regards to potential future pregnanc(ies), because i will know for sure when the time is right for it and thus i have to own up to being responsible for letting it happen. haha. but i do have a much greater sense of control/understanding/personal power with regards to my fertility. i highly recommend all women who don't want to take hormones try charting and see what you learn.
i actually think i may teach a class at the birth center if they are into it. it's very empowering!
my period resumed in october, and since then i've decided that it's time to "take charge" of my fertility, as the book says. it's fascinating! something so OBVIOUS that we typically pay zero attention to and treat as such a mystery... it makes no sense. girls should be initiated into how to chart the day they get their first period, and yet we take no responsibility for even understanding how our bodies work. it's like we collectively just say "oh, that weird thing, when is it coming? whatever i'll just stick a tampon up there real quick and ignore it until next time." but i have to say that for myself, actually seeing my body changes written out on paper/computer make a huge difference in understanding. all the things i previously noticed nonchalantly now make sense and point to significance.
for example, where i might previously have said, 'yeah, i'm probably ovulating; it's the right time and maybe i had a cramp or two...' i now KNOW i am because my temperature spiked, i have different discharge, and my cervix has changed. these three little things mean everything and are so easy to keep track of. the only commitment is taking my temp before i get out of bed, which is about as difficult as swallowing a pill, honestly. stupidly easy.
the only drawback, if it can be called one, is that i can no longer say "oops" in regards to potential future pregnanc(ies), because i will know for sure when the time is right for it and thus i have to own up to being responsible for letting it happen. haha. but i do have a much greater sense of control/understanding/personal power with regards to my fertility. i highly recommend all women who don't want to take hormones try charting and see what you learn.
i actually think i may teach a class at the birth center if they are into it. it's very empowering!