well, we did the spread i mentioned in an earlier post and got some really interesting answers! the reading was so ridiculously clear i'm finding it hard to believe it. we used the
mythic tarot, as always. best deck ever.
i'll go into the details now:
(1) father's gift to the baby - 9 of wands
... basically summed up as "the ability to keep going in the face of difficulty even when you think you have nothing left" --reserves of energy/life/creativity when you thought you were spent.
(2) mother's gift to the baby - 9 of pentacles
... essentially, "a sense of deep, internal self-worth that is not reliant on outside judgments; the ability to know you are worth something and accomplishing things despite what anyone else says." --true internal independence and understanding of one's value.
(3) baby's greatest strength - 3 of swords
... this one is tricky. the 3 is usually a painful, traumatic card, but when framed as a strength, it becomes something along the lines of "the ability to go through difficulties knowing that they are necessary and that you will be stronger afterwards"--to transmute pain into growth, sort of; to bring things out into the open and deal with them even if they hurt, so that healing can follow.
(4) baby's greatest challenge - ace of pentacles
... turning ideas/dreams into reality... i saw this very strongly as representing the actual birth of the baby... its greatest challenge right now is the process of fully becoming material and physical, and literally materializing outside of the womb.
(5) baby's mission on earth - ace of cups
... embarking on the path of love; seeking emotional intimacy; trusting intuition. the baby is probably developing an emotional awareness if it doesn't already have one!
(6) baby's support on earth - ace of swords
... strength in spite of adversity; conflict or struggle which ultimately creates opportunity; emergence of new mental abilities. the baby's brain, memory, and awareness is developing, which totally relates to this. this one also connects back to it's "strength" in the 3 of swords.
so... to have three aces in a reading about a FETUS is too uncannily crazy. and i don't find it strange that the ace of wands was left out at all--the baby was never lacking a spirit, so how could that be developing? but here's the best part...
after that, i really wanted to "ask" the baby to show me something about itself (specifically the gender) in a concrete way... so i shuffled again and asked internally--while it was moving--if it would show me a card that represented itself. i pulled one card, and it was the king of wands.
baby is a boy. dreams, psychics, matt, and the tarot... i can't deny it anymore. he's a he.
if it was a girl i would've pulled a pentacle or a queen, or even a cup. not a king, and not THAT king.
the best part about that card was that i had a reading several months ago, in despair, about my reproductive system and all its woes, and basically just asked what the next 3/6/9 months were going to be like or what would happen with me. i was really afraid at the time of finding out that i am infertile... and the reading overall made decent sense and i was comforted, but the last card, the "outcome" of my reproductive
stuff for the year made no sense to any of us. guess what card it was? yep, it was the king of wands. retrospect is a beautiful thing.
so remember what i just said about the ace of wands being missing from the baby reading? well i think it's pretty clear it's because the baby considers itself the KING of wands; not the ace. spirit and creativity are strong in this one and don't need more development, apparently. i also really like the parallel with matt offering the 9 of wands as his 'gift' and the baby showing the king in response, which is basically the 9 exalted... like he took matt's best gift and turned it into something even better.

fascinating stuff, eh?! so i have accepted that baby is a boy, but i'm holding out on the 'he' business until i see a penis. but that's just for mental convenience in case the whole universe is totally sending crossed signals...
and for the record, i'm developing the suspicion that this baby might end up being born in aries. but we'll see.